Friday, 27 June 2014

Still having a funk!

Ok so I am still having a funk! I have tried waiting for inspiration... nothing... watching people on you tube ... doing my class work with Jane Davenport.... Nothing i feel so stuck. 
Someone please give me a magic cure to stuck in funkiness?  

I made a video to see if filming would push me in to coming up with the goods. 
It didn't buy you can watch it any way if you like.

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Having a funk

I'm currently taking a class with Jane Davenport witch would normally get me exited and covered in paint but not so much. I feel like I'm forcing it at the moment and just making mud. Its probably because I am waiting on some test results and as much as i know it will be a fine part of me is still worried. 
Doing a lot of reading to take my mind off it. Maybe i should base my art on my book?

This is a quick page in my bod. Its all i could force out at the moment.